Art is a natural way of learning about the world. It is among the most effective approach for toddlers to learn to communicate and think for themselves. Art activities for preschoolers also provide very young children with the opportunity to …
Art is a natural way of learning about the world. It is among the most effective approach for toddlers to learn to communicate and think for themselves. Art activities for preschoolers also provide very young children with the opportunity to …
Young children are not always capable of expressing themselves using words and actions. As art is a simpler form of communication, it gives toddlers and young children a means to let what they feel deep down be known. Allowing parents …
Young children love being creative, getting messy and taking pride in looking at their masterpieces once they are finished. Another great thing about art activities for toddlers is that it aids child development in more ways than one. Creative art …
Fun art projects for children are among the most inexpensive ways of keeping your child entertained for hours at a stretch. Between these sessions, be sure to give your child a break by taking her for a walk in the …
Arts enrichment classes and workshops are a fantastic way for children to explore their creative talents and channel their energies in positive ways, get messy, and take time off from being glued to gadgets. Creativity is also a great opportunity for …
Who wouldn’t want to host a birthday party that sets a trend and be remembered for a long time. Inspiring your friends to do the same on their own child’s birthday. Combining creativity with an art vibe and inviting relatives and …
Babies use their senses to learn from the time they are born. Which is one of the reasons why all babies and toddlers, touch everything they can lay their hands on and even put objects into their mouths. It is …
Birthday parties are hectic times for parents. But everyone looks forward to turning their child’s party into a big success. All it requires is a bit of planning and a little help from us to make it an unforgettable event. …
Consider this question first. Do you have any idea how many bits of information our brains take in every second? 11 billion bits! Out of which we process maybe 50 to 150 bits, and then can consciously hold just about …
Children have the natural ability to make connections between unrelated things, Make ideas and imagine new ways to express their thoughts and communicate. Hence, anything that can stimulate and engage their creative minds is good for them. Especially so, when …