The Role Of Art In Promoting Positive Social Behaviors In Children
“The arts take us to another world where we can explore our thoughts and feelings free of fear of stigma or judgement. They help children to express things that they sometimes cannot say in conversation, and tocelebrate feelings and thoughts

The Impact Of Colour On A Child’s Development
Colour perception in child development is a far more powerful influencing factor than we think. Colour is everywhere. From the colour of our skin to the shades of our clothing and the tint of our walls. In short, colour can

How Collage-making Activity Helps A Child To Think Creatively
The purpose of making collages is to leverage the creative process to help young and older children explore self-expression and, in doing so, find new ways to gain personal insight and develop new behavioural skills. Collage-making activity can also be

How “STEAM” Activities Give A Head Start To Your Toddler
STEAM activities for toddlers is an educational approach that focuses on introducing young children to the concepts and principles of science, technology, engineering, the arts and mathematics through age-appropriate, hands-on activities and experiences. The goal of STEAM activities for toddlers

Art Lessons Help Children To Think And Express Themselves Clearly
Art has a critical role in your child’s life as it exposes her to a unique range of learning experiences. Unlocking the true potential and helping your child to develop skills in communication, creativity and problem-solving. Arts and crafts are

How Art Therapy Activities benefit young children
For many of us, when we think of art, we tend to think that it’s not for us. Either you think you are not very creative or feel that your child is too young to indulge in art. But there’s