Boredom-Busting Art Projects For Children
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- Categories Kids Art Activities
- Date 15 February 2022
Fun art projects for children are among the most inexpensive ways of keeping your child entertained for hours at a stretch. Between these sessions, be sure to give your child a break by taking her for a walk in the park or visiting a museum or driving her to an art gallery. Stimulate her senses, feed her imagination.
Drawing, painting and crafting, are generally wonderful art projects to build your child’s motor skills and a sure way to help them learn new words. Needless to say, the more messy the activity, the more will be their enjoyment and not to mention a fantastic way to bond without even trying.
Creative Art Activities are always relevant, especially when you have children growing up during challenging times. Making art always takes us to an absorbing and meaningful place inside ourselves, giving us a meaningful way to express thoughts, ideas and feelings.
So whether it’s a holiday break or need an activity to keep children occupied, creative art activities will keep them busy in a very constructive way. An added bonus will be having something very personal created by your child and finding a perfect spot to display it in their room.
What kind of memories do you think such unique decorative pieces will bring back when your child is all grown up and pays you a visit with his family in tow! One can only imagine how fantastic that moment will be.
Table of Contents
ToggleMaking process artwork for you
Weave art project ideas into your child’s daily routine. Always focus is on doing art and not on the end result. Use process art as an invitation to explore the science of art and a wonderful way to ensure your child remains engaged, creating and enjoying herself.
Process Art is not about teaching children how to do art either. It’s about creating a space for them to discover it for themselves. It is about freedom, not rules. Process art is all about the experience: how you feel as you experiment with your materials, the ideas that you get, and the opportunity to try out new things.
Letting your imagination fly!
The most effective way of building a child’s imagination skills is through play, being curious, and having fun. And there couldn’t be a better way to let your creativity soar. Like Picasso once said, “Everything you can imagine is real“. So do all the doodling, drawing, painting, making stuff, enjoy the freedom creative art activities give and the opportunities for bonding it creates.
You can encourage your child to try out different materials and experiment with new techniques. Explore the possibilities of the materials she uses, for instance, see how gorgeous working with salt, glue and watercolours can turn out to be.
When you create you are free, besides you never need to worry whether it’s art or if it’s good. Expressing your inner feelings and thoughts, your dreams, ideas, visions is all that matters the most.
Here are some fun ways to get creative and involve children in activities that suit their age. These ideas will be real big winners!
Go abstract, go bold.
Abstract art offers children complete freedom. They are not recreating exact replicas from reality or imitating what they see as tabletops. But using lines, shapes and colours to create an artwork that is purely from the mind.
Children can use large shapes, use bold colours and the best part, they have no rules that they need to follow. This is something an entire group of children can participate in and create together. This way, every child get to contribute and add her own unique element to the final artwork. They need to be encouraged and be as inventive and creative as they want to be.
For the abstract art project, select a brown packaging paper roll. Spread it to cover an entire table. Create a large enough space to enable everyone can join. Use water-based paints and paintbrushes to help cover the whole sheet of paper with colour, quickly and easily. Don’t leave any gaps to show through. After the base artwork is done, allow the real art to take shape.
Try cookie cutters of different shapes and sizes or select one single shape and use them as stamping devices to print on top of the base layer of brushstroke paint that the children have already completed.
Use the same colours as those in the base or choose different ones, there is no need to get fussy about which colour will work. Best to get children to vote on the colours they’d want to use. Dip the edges of the cookie cutter into a plate of paint and then print. Each child randomly prints using whatever colour they like. The end result will not only be striking but also something stunning that no one could have imagined before.
The advantage of working on large areas is that it gives freedom and adds more excitement to the finished piece of work, than a smaller piece of paper would. More importantly, the fun of working together brings the idea of teamwork to life. It also motivates children who usually don’t involve themselves in art activities to participate and broaden their experiences.
Apart from this, another important lesson children learn that will be useful later on in life is the fact that nothing needs to turn out perfect. Getting them to realize that it is OK to relax, break rules and simply enjoy the benefits of process art at work.
Salt, glue & watercolour
Bring out all the materials you’d want to use and lay them out on the table. See what you could create by using salt, glue and watercolour!
Start by squeezing out the quick-drying glue randomly, creating a swirly pattern on a sheet of thick art paper. After the glue dries, apply watercolour paints over the glue lines and on the paper. Get your child to notice how the glue acts as a resist and prevents the paint from getting under it. Use a magnifying glass to help your child clearly see what is happening.
Try out different colours and see how they merge into each other and form new colours and create new shades. You could also sprinkle a little salt between the glue lines and over some of the areas of wet paint.
You will see interesting patterns and effects emerge as the paint begins to dry. Not only will you end up with stunning artwork but you are using the process to demonstrate a super combination of art and practical scientific exploration in real-time!
Take another sheet of art paper and repeat the process of squeezing out the glue forming random lines or in circles. Now add a little salt over the glue and with a brush allow the watercolour paint just on the top of the glue line and not the surrounding paper. See how dramatically the glue and the salt respond to the paint.
When you apply the paint drop by drop, observe how the salt instantly ‘sucks up’ the paint. This really looks magical! Use different colours and watch the colour walking and meeting up with other colours. Your child will love the way the paint moves and blends.
Look mummy, the paint is alive & moving!
Watercolour produces fantastic effects when the wet on wet technique is used. Introduce your child to how she can learn to create truly enchanting colour movement during her watercolour painting sessions. By showing her how she can get it right you will also get to learn a thing or two about water colouring.
The basic principle of the wet on wet technique works is just how it says – using wet watercolour paints on a paper that also happens to be wet. Use a flat brush to dab the white sheet of paper with plenty of water, then add watercolour paint with a thin paintbrush. Let your child take over and see how she dabs water freely with wide strokes and adds drops and swirls the watercolours excitedly.
As the watercolour hits the already wet paper, it creates swirling patterns over which your child will not have complete control. Watch her face light up with surprise as she sees the magic happen.
About Abrakadoodle
This is the kind of process art learning experience that inspire children to think different, be innovative, and devise ways that teach about interesting things found in the real world. Changing the way children discover and imagine. Ignite their minds to think, play and learn like never before.
If you like to enrol your child in art classes or participate in an Art Project or workshop, give Abrakadoodle a call. Or better still, make an appointment with the head of a centre near you. Get a hands-on exposure to an experience that will make you see art in a way that adds value to life.